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Game Oddities

Since I started playing FFXIV, I’ve noticed a couple of weird things.

1) Blank Login Screen

I noticed this after playing the game for a while then quitting. Then when I try to restart the game, I login, get the SquareEnix splash screen, then nothing. I quit the game and try again, but more nothing. I then updated my Internet Options to include https://*.square-enix.com/ and it works. That is pretty dumb.

2) Controller interface to FFXIV cannot reconnect

I bought an Xbox controller for my PC to play FFXIV a bit better. Most of the controls seemed to favor controller play anyway, and I thought it would be more ergonomic than pressing a random combination of keys on the keyboard for long periods of time. Any time my controller turns off while FFXIV is running, when I turn the controller back on, it doesn’t work. In fact, when I do this, it makes the game run slower and doesn’t input any of my commands. That doesn’t make sense. I have to restart the game to make FFXIV recognize my controller.

The PC knows that I have my controller connected since I can push the center button to get my battery level, but FFXIV doesn’t.


Yet not dumb enough to make me stop playing the game…

Categories: Uncategorized
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